Money Back Guarantee

If you do not pass the PMP or CAPM exam on your first attempt after completing the course, simply email a scanned copy of your test results and your PM Educate course completion certificate  for reimbursement of your PM Educate course cost.  Note that completing the course requires passing all practice exams, quizzes, and tests within the course, including the course completion exam/test.  Upon refund, all course access will be terminated immediately.  Alternatively, you may select the following course offer:  PM Educate will provide one full year of access to the PMP Exam Preparation course or CAPM Exam Preparation course AND free PM Educate courses of your choice totaling 60 PDUs for use after you obtain your PMP certification (a $1000 value!).   You must take the PMP or CAPM exam within 45 days of the date on your original PM Educate course completion certificate to qualify for reimbursement or free courses.  Include your name, full mailing address and your preference (reimbursement or free course access).   Any requests for reimbursement or free courses MUST be sent within 5 business days of completing the PMP or CAPM Exam.  You will receive a confirmation email acknowledging receipt of your request for your records.